Hi, I'm Pavan Kalyan 👋

Problem Solver.

I'm a passionate Machine Learning Enthusiast with a knack for solving complex problems and a deep-rooted love for technology. 🚀

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Hello there! I'm Pavan Kalyan from Visakhapatnam. I'm a dedicated problem solver, who always takes on challenges that demand innovative thinking. Whether it's debugging lines of code or devising a creative solutions to problems, I'm always ready to roll up my sleeves and tackle them head-on.

Currently pursuing 4th Year of Bachelor of Technology in Computer Science with Data Science at Gayatri Vidya Parishad College of Engineering, I'm on a mission to harness the power of data and machine learning to drive innovation.

I recently started learning System Design & Web Development.

Skills & Technologies

  • Operating Systems
  • Database Management Systems
  • C, C++
  • Java
  • Python
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
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I'm well-versed in ML, DL, and AI algorithms, and I've recently started learning Front-End Development & System Design to broaden my skills. This diverse knowledge allows me to tackle various tech challenges. I'm eager to adapt and explore new horizons and contribute my solutions to the real world problems.

Mumbai House Price Prediction

Mumbai House Price Prediction

This project focusses on predicting house prices in Mumbai using Machine Learning.

Collected data on House Prices in Mumbai, cleaned and Built a Linear Regression Model on the cleaned data. Hosted the Model to web using HTML, CSS, JavaScript & Python-Flask.


Stock Price Prediction

Stock Price Prediction

This project focusses on predicting the next 30 day closing stock price of GOOGLE using Deep Learning.

Used an API to Collect the previous closing stock prices of GOOGLE, Trained and developed a Bi-Directional LSTM Model on the closing stock price data. Used Python & Tensorflow frameworks in this project.


Youtube Clone

Youtube Clone

This project focusses on building a basic YouTube Webpage (A Simple Clone).

Used HTML, CSS for building the webpage, where I explored and implemented various CSS styles.


Amazon Clone

Amazon Clone

This project focusses on building a fully functional Amazon Clone.

Using Javascript built a fully functional Amazon Clone which works almost Identical to the real Amazon site.


Social & Coding Profiles

Get in Contact

Whether you are starting a project, have business inquiries or just want to say hi, my inbox is always open so feel free to reach out and I will get back to you as soon as possible. 🌎 🧿

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